I was so excited when Staci contacted me about doing a session. I heard her name through mutual friends and knew she had a super cute baby! She wanted to do 6 month pictures with her little and celebrate the half-birthday, a huge milestone! I loved this idea!! The rain and thunder threatened to halt the shoot but you would never know! Staci and Clay kept a great attitude and their dog, Cooper, made waiting out the rain fun! We did the shoot at their house in midtown and I love it so much. <3 I would move there today. 😉 Little miss cutie pie was such a good sport and gave me some super sweet smiles! She is even on the go and crawling now. I love it! Clay and Staci are such a cute couple and I really loved the time where I got to take some pictures of just them. Sometimes we can take so many pictures of our kids that we forget about ourselves. I am so thankful Staci asked me to come spend some time with her little family!!
Enjoy some photos  from our time together!