You know when you hear a crazy birth story and it is so nuts that you’re sure it isn’t true? Well, the birth of this little beauty is one of those stories only it IS true! Macie came into this world at a hospital but only with her mama’s help. Lizzie had just gotten dropped off at the front of the hospital and Jonathan, her husband, went to park the car with their 3 year old daughter. Lizzie was taken in a room and left for a few minutes. Those few minutes just happened to be when Macie wanted to make her debut and SHE DID! All alone in the room, Lizzie gave birth and rocked it like a champ!! It is inspiring to me how calm she was about it and how good she is doing now. She opened the door when I arrived for our session and I couldn’t believe she had just had a baby. She looked amazing and was still keeping up with their 3 year old! What an inspiring mama! Congratulations Jonathan and Lizzie!! Macie is beautiful and destined for great things. She just couldn’t wait to come out and play!!